Members of our Unitarian Universalist community have been meeting monthly since last fall, to study and discuss major world religions, including Buddhism, Christianity, Confucianism, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism, Primal Religions and Taoism. Huston Smith's book, The World Religions, has been the guide for this journey.
The study has helped participants deconstruct stereotypes by looking at each religion's origins, cultural context and foundational beliefs. Despite the many differences, they saw commonalities. For example, each faith enjoins its followers to love one another and show compassion. In spite of cultural and religious differences, if we listen closely in love, we discover the same universal search for connection to something larger than ourselves.
At this service, study participants will share readings and excerpts to give 'voice' for each religion, focusing on ways other faiths intersect with Unitarian Universalist principles. Join us in experiencing a compassionate respect for the tapestry of beliefs in our world.