All of us have many different voices in our head competing for control- the critic, the people pleaser or the rebel- to name a few common ones. Understanding what Rev. Gail Tapscott calls "the community within" can help us become more equipped to participate in creating the Beloved Community in a congregation. Come join us for a serious but fun look at your internal cast of characters.
Please join UU and Vice President of the Mississippi Humanist Association, Amy Craig, to learn about humanism, being secular in the deep south, and how being a UU makes Amy a better humanist. We'll learn more about the humanist movement in Mississippi and how it can spread to our area. UUCO's annual OPEN HOUSE AND WELCOME for newcomers and new students in town. This service includes music and voices from our Oxford, University of Mississippi and UUCO communities.
Reflections from the Jewish Tradition - Oxford Jewish Federation - Sunday, September 9, 20189/6/2018 We welcome this Sunday guest speakers from the Oxford Jewish Federation. As they share their personal journeys as Jews, we can better understand the significance of the Days of Awe that begin this week. We can join in the celebration and solemnity of knowing that we have the possibility of choosing the paths of our lives. No matter what we have been, we can change and become more of whom we want to be. Bonus: beautiful cello music!
January 2025
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