Rev. Gail Tapscott and friends will share some thoughts on starting the new year with real changes not quickly thrown over resolutions. We also plan some type of Burning Bowl ritual. Join us to start regrouping for 2019.
How Unitarians and Universalists Shaped Christmas - Rev. Gail Tapscott - Sunday, December 23, 201812/21/2018 Rev. Gail Tapscott looks forward to gathering with those of you in town for the holidays to share some of the many ways that our spiritual ancestors helped create or spread many of the customs, rituals and music that everyone now associates with this festive season. Even Rev. Gail was amazed at some of the facts her research uncovered. We will sing some of the favorite seasonal music likely without musicians.
We bring together different world traditions celebrating the winter solstice. The winter solstice is typically known as the shortest, darkest day of the Northern Hemisphere, and the day when the light begins to return. However, we focus not only on the imminent return of the light, but also on the inherent value of winter, cold, and fallow times as spaces for meditation, reflection, and healing.
Our UUCO Holiday Lovefeast is our traditional 'Tis the Season' worship service. We invite all -- youngest to oldest, visiting guests and favorite neighbors -- to join in! We will sing the familiar songs of the season, read words from historic texts, share traditional Lovefeast buns and warm cider, and hold aloft our candles at the conclusion of the service. Our offertory will go to help individuals and families in our community though Interfaith Compassion Ministry.
All are welcome at this multi-generational gathering, which is our own adaptation of the traditional Moravian Lovefeast. The Lovefeast service is very simple and is focused upon love of humankind: a communal meal is shared in love. Music and readings are offered to support reflection about the meaning of this season of the year. The distinctive feature of the gathering is that sweet rolls and cider are served to the congregation and all hold lighted candles to end the service. Within the Christian tradition it has been noted that the Lovefeast is not a substitute for the Christian sacrament of communion, rather it is a simple, shared meal. Many Unitarian Universalist congregations celebrate Lovefeasts at this time of year. Music: The UUCO Chorus, Reynaldo Budhi and Quinoa Soedsaue For All Ages: Jaz Brisack and Michaelene Johnson bring stories! Seasonal Reflection: Rev. Dr. Gail Stratton Lovefeast Buns: Baked by Luanne Buchanan Cider, Buns, and Candles Service: Pat Miller and many helpers! Offertory: For our community, through Interfaith Compassion Ministries Service Leader: Eunice Benton And many more participants! |
January 2025
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