UUCO is a welcoming congregation and we invite you to join us either in person or via zoom this Sunday at 10:30 am for services. Unfortunately we are unable to publish the link to the service due to security concerns. Please contact Sandra Moss at [email protected] to have the link sent to you. Please request link before Sunday.
What does it mean to identify as a survivor? What does the story of the werewolf have to teach us about forgiving ourselves? And is is seriously possible to preach a sermon about the Twilight series of novels? Rev. Sam Teitel is the Settled Minister at the Church of the River in Memphis. Here is what he says about ministry: "A minister, when you get right down to it, is someone who helps invoke the sacred. This might be a little easier to imagine in spaces like a Sunday morning worship service or during a pastoral care situation, but I believe it is always a minister’s primary role, no matter where they are, to help remind everyone of the commitments we have all made to our Unitarian Universalist principles and to each other."
UUCO is a welcoming congregation and we invite you to join us either in person or via zoom this Sunday at 10:30 am for services. Unfortunately we are unable to publish the link to the service due to security concerns. Please contact Sandra Moss at [email protected] to have the link sent to you. Please request link before Sunday.
In keeping with the spirit of fun surrounding Halloween, come dressed for the occasion. A costume parade will kick off the morning!
As the nights grow longer and colder and we often find ourselves in a time of reflection on mortality and transition. Our modern Halloween has origins in the Celtic Samhain and the Roman Parentalia. The Mexican Día de los Muertos fuses elements from the Catholic All Soul’s Day and a tradition of honoring the Aztec Mictecacihuatl, the Lady of the Dead. On this Sunday, October 29th, we’ll honor these traditions with fun and seriousness, with frivolity in the first half, followed by a remembrance of those who have passed on in the latter half. This day allows us to remember our loved ones who have died. You are invited to bring a photo or memento of someone you who is no longer with us to place on our remembrance altar. UUCO is a welcoming congregation and we invite you to join us this Sunday morning at 10:30 am either in person or via zoom. Unfortunately we are unable to publish the link to the service due to security concerns. Please contact Sandra Moss at [email protected] to have the link sent to you. Please request link before Sunday This week, Reverend Love will be talking about emotional maturity, or the lack of it.
And, how you can change things. Please join us if you can. UUCO is a welcoming congregation and invites you to join us for services this Sunday at 10:30 am either in person or via zoom. Unfortunately, we are unable to publish the zoom link due to security concerns. Please contact Sandra Moss at [email protected] to have the link sent to you. Please request the link before Sunday. "Where We Are, Where We're From, Where We Go Together" - James Bowker - Sunday, October 15, 202310/11/2023 James will reflect on what heritage means for a group of (many) transplants in a land that has a very deep heritage of its own. How can we make the most of our diverse experiences while forging our way in creating our own new heritage?
UUCO is a welcoming congregation and invite you to join us this Sunday morning at 10:30 am either in person or via zoom for services. Unfortunately we are unable to publish the link to the service due to security concerns. Please contact Sandra Moss at [email protected] to have the link sent to you. Please request link before Sunday. 100% That Witch: Is there room on the broom for you? - Rev. Sarah Osborne - Sunday, October 8, 202310/3/2023 100% That Witch: Is there room on the broom for you? Of course! Is the witch wicked or simply living their most authentic empowered self? We’ll unmask the tropes to discover, there’s a little witch in all of us. Come celebrate the season of the witch and join us for a ghoulishly great Sunday service led by Rev. Sarah.
UUCO is a welcoming congregation and we invite you to join us either in person or via zoom this Sunday at 10:30 am. and for the Potluck afterwards. Unfortunately, we are unable to publish the link to the service due to security concerns. Please contact Sandra Moss at [email protected] to have the link sent to you. Please request the link before Sunday. |
January 2025
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