Our Services
A casual, communal, uplifting service for all ages |
Our services begin at 10:30 AM each Sunday. Attendance might range from 15 people to 50 people. A door greeter will hand you a program and a blank name tag and ask your name and where you are from. Most people will be wearing name tags so you can tell who they are. We like to introduce newcomers at the beginning of the service if you wish. The dress code is relaxed: you may see casual wear and formal at the same service. Come as you are!
Children may stay with their parents or they may join the other children in the supervised childcare and religious education in our youth religious exploration area. The service leader guides us through the hour. They begin with the Chalice Lighting, which consists of lighting a candle and reading a poem or passage with an inspirational thought. This is followed by Joys and Concerns, in which members of the congregation are invited to share that which has touched them in the past week. Music for the service involves the entire congregation singing from a hymnal, usually with instrumental accompaniment. The service leader will ask the congregation to stand for songs as they are willing and able in body or spirit. A collection plate is passed so that the members can contribute financially to the work of the congregation.
Directions |
From the center of Oxford, take Jackson Avenue west from the Square towards the university. Take a right at Hwy 314/Old Sardis Rd. 4.8 miles on your right, turn onto County Road 198. UUCO will be a small white building on your left.