The monks will be presenting workshops for groups of 5 to 15 people. Some of the workshops offered are a slide show, a butter sculpture workshop, a sand painting workshop, and coloring Tibetan designs for children.
The dates UUCO are hosting the monks are Feb. 19, 20, 21, and 22. They are a group of 6 monks and a driver (traveling here from Louisville, Kentucky) from the Tashi Gomang Dharms Center of Drepung Gomang Institute. The purpose of the tour is to help the exiled Monastery, located in South India, raise funds to educate, feed, house, and care for almost 2000 exiled Tibetan Monks.
The monks will be presenting workshops for groups of 5 to 15 people. Some of the workshops offered are a slide show, a butter sculpture workshop, a sand painting workshop, and coloring Tibetan designs for children. ![]() Please sign up to attend a study group on Confucianism! The group will meet at the UUCO on Wednesday, January 21, from 6:00-8:00 p.m. You will want to bring your own brown bag supper. The study, based on the material in Huston Smith's book, The World's Religions,will be led by Roger Kuhnle. You will want to have a copy of the book and of the study guide, so that you can read the material prior to the study. Mari Kuhnle will help you find a copy of the book if you do not have one. Please email her at [email protected] if you'd like to be a part of this evening and if you need materials. ![]() On Sunday, January 4, we plan to usher in 2015 with a focus on "new beginnings." Victoria Smith and Mari Kuhnle will be the service leaders. Speakers on "new beginnings" will be Michael Jenkins, Greg Johnson, and Shauni Wall. Plan to join us in welcoming the new year and in our reflections on other new beginnings! We'd also like to make an "after Christmas tree" with our UU Christmas Tree, so please bring plain, unsweetened Cheerios, OR a pine cone or two that we can roll in peanut butter and bird seed. Thank YOU!!
This Sunday at UUCO, 11am: Visiting Minister REV. ROY REYNOLDS is conducting a service on the theme: "Love will Guide Us"
As you have no doubt noticed, the website has undergone a radical, all-encompassing, but painless facelift. This is all thanks to the tireless work of Elizabeth Graves, last year's Communications Chair, who kept on plugging away even after her term expired. Thanks also goes to James Church, who handled the DNS changes so your browser could route you to the right place.
Great work, Lizzy and James! We will keep your labor from falling into benign neglect. To all our friends and visitors, please enjoy the new website. Lift the hood and kick the tires, and if you find a problem, don't hesitate to write Walter the webmaster, or Sandra the incredibly efficient staffer. Go in peace! |
January 2025
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