How are you doing? Those were the sweetest words I heard…”how are you doing right now?“
It felt so good to be in touch with a friend, a family member, a cousin. We all need connection and we need each other even if we need to be physically separated from each other.
So much has happened since the congregation met two weeks ago! And given that it is very important to stay safe, stay home and stay connected, we are offering an online worship service for UUCO this Sunday. You can join in virtually from your home! We can also include members who are in other parts of the world!!. Y'all come!!
We will be joining via the Online platform called Zoom, as it provides both video and audio where a number of people who can see each other and be present. If you have not used this before you can download the program to your phone or to your computer ahead of time. And on Sunday, just like when we gather physically, you can plan to arrive a bit early to settle in. The “Zoom room” will open at 10:50 on Sunday and there will be time to share with others after the service.
We will have music from Quinoa and Reynaldo, a story for all ages from Wendy Pfrenger as well as a short video message from Rev. Gail Tapscott!! There will also be time through a chat function for anyone to share their joys and concerns. See you on Sunday!!
To join on Sunday you will click on this link:
UUCO Worship Service March 22, 2010
Time: Mar 22, 2020 10:45 AM Central Time (US and Canada)
(Meeting ID: 333 800 9051)
or for just audio, you can call this number: (301) 715- 8592 an when prompted enter the Meeting ID: 333 800 9051.
In addition, if you are not familiar with Zoom, this link is a helpful teaching tool:
If you need some help with this or if you just need to talk, I am available!
Rev. Gail Stratton
Community Minister, Affiliated with UUCO
[email protected]