'Tis the gift to come down where we ought to be,
And when we find ourselves in the place just right, '
Twill be in the valley of love and delight.
Joseph Brackett (1797–1882)
On March 8, Pam Coe and other members of the Oxford Quaker Friends will be a part of our Sunday Service, helping us to understand that, in the words of Phillip Gulley, “...to be a Quaker is to live out as best we can the virtues of simplicity, peace, integrity, community, and equality.” Living life simply leads one to perceive “success” differently than most of American society does today. At the end of one's life the person who has true wealth, defined in Quaker terms, might say, “A banquet was spread before us, and we partook of the most substantive fare life had to offer: love, joy, compassion, community, generosity, and more. This is the abundant life of which Jesus spoke—and not just Jesus but also other great teachers that God has given our world. Collectively, they teach us that outward treasures have no inward profit, and that those lives that are arrayed against the plainest velvet, like precious gems, will possess the greatest beauty.” (Gulley: Living the Quaker Way, 57). Please join the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Oxford as we learn life lessons from the Quaker Way. Mari Kuhnle will be the Service Leader.