Speakers: Members and Friends of UUCO
Service Leader: Eunice Benton
On this weekend when Independence Day – the 4th of July – is once again the holiday we note, and in a week when our state has made the historic move of retiring the flag that contained the Confederate battle emblem in its corner, our service addresses the personal and spiritual feelings of patriotism. At this pivotal time in history, how do we feel about being citizens of our country – and our state… and our town? When do we feel proud and loyal? When do we feel dismayed and ashamed, even? How do our individual life experiences and identities shape what we feel?
Voices from our UUCO community will address these questions… and then our gathered community will continue to explore them during our coffee hour.
This theme will be further explored in coming Sundays in July…
Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Oxford is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Sunday Service July 5, 2020
Time: Jul 5, 2020 10:30 AM Central Time (US and Canada)
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