Writers in a flow state can produce words at a high rate of speed-and not just "good words" but those impossible-to-find "right words" which will survive the editor. Musicians with a difficult piece of music can find themselves being carried along by the act of playing it, a functional meditative state that seems to exist beneath conscious thought. Whether the person is creating new art, or performing much-practiced movements, "flow" is that state of full immersion where both mind and body seem to be working independently of the person.
William Blake (1757-1827) observed, "I myself do nothing. The Holy Spirit accomplishes all through me." Blake is one of many to notice the similarities between creativity and spiritual transport. In Christian tradition, the soul enters a child with the first drawing of breath, the "inspiration" - which is also our word for that exalted mental place where imagination, insight, and excitement meet.
Kate, Walter, Reynaldo, and Quinoa work in creative fields. This Sunday they will present a service about how they see creativity and spirituality connecting, how the two might feed off each other... and perhaps how the creative and the divine are one and the same.