On February 9th, UUCO held a Congregational Forum. The initial findings from that gathering are attached below.. If you have not yet offered your insights, we welcome your input using the form below which can be turned in at UUCO on Sundays or emailed to membership trustee Michelle Mauthe Harvey at [email protected].
At the Forum, attendees were asked to think about beneficial actions that UUCO might take over the next 12 to 18 months (through FY 2020/21). In preparation for identifying these actions, attendees were led through an exercise that identified internal strengths and weaknesses – things that UUCO has control over, such as what services are like or how we choose to spend our budget – and external opportunities and threats – things such as the economy or political administration which UUCO can’t control but which can influence our ability to achieve goals. In addition, attendees offered thoughts on their big ideas for UUCO.
As a congregation, attendees saw UUCO’s strengths as being welcoming, accepting, dedicated, caring, intergenerational, and a refuge. Our weaknesses included having limited member engagement, a small congregation size, limited community building, a lack of inclusion, limited space, and inadequate funding. Suggested actions cover a range of topics, from rethink Sunday services and expand types of UUCO gatherings beyond Sundays to create the future, fundraise, and outreach to other UU congregations. Content in the accompanying documents reflects attendees’ own words.
Additional input will be incorporated over the next month, and the ideas will serve as a basis for developing a workplan and budget for the 2020/21 fiscal year. We thank all who have, and will, participate.
The UUCO Board of Trustees

2020_congregational_forum_results_.docx |

uuco_big_ideas_2020_v1.docx |

2020_uuco_input_form.docx |