SERVICE LEADER: Sarah Schnaithman
MUSIC BY: Tycho Jenkins
Come join us in community this Sunday as we recognize and celebrate the many transitions in our lives. Transitions could be a move from one school (or job, or house) to another; a graduation; a promotion; a career or education change; a birth; or, even the passing of a loved one.
There are two ways in which you can participate. Prior to Sunday's service, you could send a statement about a transition (and include a picture, if available), or you could contribute verbally during a dedicated time during the service. Please send any statements and / or pictures to Sarah Schnaithman ([email protected] or 678-381-1841).
Following an abbreviated Sunday Service, we will transition into our UUCO Annual Meeting!
UUCO is a welcoming congregation and we invite you to join us either in person or via zoom this Sunday at 11:00 am. Unfortunately, we are unable to publish the link to the service due to security concerns. Please contact Sandra Moss at [email protected] to have the link sent to you. Please request link before Sunday.