Our Team
UUCO Board of Trustees
The UUCO Board of Trustees is comprised of a President, Vice President, Financial Officer, Secretary, Membership Trustee, Religious Education Trustee, Communications Trustee, and Sunday Service Trustee. Specific requirements of each position is listed in the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Oxford BY-LAWS. Each member of the UUCO Board of Trustees works individually and cooperatively to fulfill their specific duty to the UUCO Congregation.
2022-2023 UUCO Board of Trustees
Leadership Development Committee
The Leadership Development Committee (LDC) is a 3 to 4 person committee established yearly and tasked with identifying upcoming leaders within the congregation, establishing committees, nominating Board members for congregational election, and addressing other congregational needs as they arise. Of the LDC, one member is appointed by the Membership Trustee of the UUCO Board, one member is a past UUCO Board President (not currently serving on the UUCO Board) and other members are elected by the UUCO Board.
2022-2023 Leadership Development Committee
Eunice Benton
Walter Flaschka
Walter Flaschka
Ministerial and Support Staff