Our Team
UUCO Board of Trustees
The UUCO Board of Trustees is comprised of a President, Vice President, Financial Officer, Secretary, Membership Trustee, Religious Education Trustee, Communications Trustee, and Sunday Service Trustee. Specific requirements of each position is listed in the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Oxford BY-LAWS. Each member of the UUCO Board of Trustees works individually and cooperatively to fulfill their specific duty to the UUCO Congregation.
Election to the UUCO Board of Trustees is first based on nomination by the UUCO Leadership Development Committee and confirmed through congregational vote at the Annual Congregational Meeting (typically held in April). A Board of Trustee's term begins the first day of the fiscal year after their election (July 1) and ends the last day of the next fiscal year (June 30). Board of Trustee terms are for two years only; however, Board Trustees may opt to serve 2 consecutive terms provided the Leadership Development Committee nominates the trustee for each consecutive term and the congregation confirms the trustee's nomination for each consecutive term. Trustees serving consecutive terms are not required to serve in the same position for both terms (positions are determined by the Leadership Development Committee at the time of nomination). A trustee may also opt out of nomination for the upcoming term if they choose not to serve. After a second consecutive term, the trustee must step down from service for at least 1 full fiscal year before becoming eligible for nomination for additional terms.
Election to the UUCO Board of Trustees is first based on nomination by the UUCO Leadership Development Committee and confirmed through congregational vote at the Annual Congregational Meeting (typically held in April). A Board of Trustee's term begins the first day of the fiscal year after their election (July 1) and ends the last day of the next fiscal year (June 30). Board of Trustee terms are for two years only; however, Board Trustees may opt to serve 2 consecutive terms provided the Leadership Development Committee nominates the trustee for each consecutive term and the congregation confirms the trustee's nomination for each consecutive term. Trustees serving consecutive terms are not required to serve in the same position for both terms (positions are determined by the Leadership Development Committee at the time of nomination). A trustee may also opt out of nomination for the upcoming term if they choose not to serve. After a second consecutive term, the trustee must step down from service for at least 1 full fiscal year before becoming eligible for nomination for additional terms.
2022-2023 UUCO Board of Trustees
President: Andrew Pfrenger
Vice President: Cheryl Conlee
Secretary: Michelle Harvey
Financial Trustee: Martha Scott
Religious Education Trustee: Colleen Jameson
Membership Trustee: Deborah Barker
Sunday Services Trustee: Sarah Schnaithman
Communications Trustee: vacant
Leadership Development Committee
The Leadership Development Committee (LDC) is a 3 to 4 person committee established yearly and tasked with identifying upcoming leaders within the congregation, establishing committees, nominating Board members for congregational election, and addressing other congregational needs as they arise. Of the LDC, one member is appointed by the Membership Trustee of the UUCO Board, one member is a past UUCO Board President (not currently serving on the UUCO Board) and other members are elected by the UUCO Board.
2022-2023 Leadership Development Committee
Eunice Benton
Walter Flaschka
Walter Flaschka
Support Staff
The UUCO Building Mayor oversees all aspects of the building from maintenance and cleaning to decoration. The UUCO Building Coordinator oversees the booking of UUCO for events or other activities. For additional information about reserving UUCO, click here. Both positions report to the UUCO Board of Trustees as needed.
UUCO Building MayorPat Miller
UUCO Building CoordinatorSandra Moss
UUCO Office AdministratorSandra Moss
UUCO Building Upkeep Shanda Taylor |
UUCO Child Care ProviderMolly Powell
UUCO Grounds Upkeep Vacant |
UUCO MusiciansTycho Jenkins